Five Minute Facts about Packet Timing Welcome to the next installment on my series of posts about timing equipment resilience in the language of the IEEE P1952 project. It’s time to talk about level four: Withstand. Withstand is a lot like the Resist level we talked about last time, except to withstand equipment is supposed […]
IEEE 1952 PNT Resilience Levels: Resist
Five Minute Facts about Packet Timing I’d like to tell you something about the next IEEE P1952 resilience level in our series. If you missed it, I have been posting about the proposed resilience levels from the IEEE P1952 project. Today’s topic is resilience level 3: Resist. For PNT equipment Resist means to continue working, […]
IEEE 1952 PNT Resilience Levels: Detecting Adversities
Five Ten Minute Facts about Packet Timing (sorry this one needs to be a little longer)In my last post I talked about the behaviors that timing equipment should exhibit to achieve resilience in the face of adverse conditions, according to the draft standard IEEE P1952. One of these is the ability to detect an adversity […]
IEEE 1952 PNT Resilience Levels
Five-minute facts about packet timing A while back I posted on the start of an standards development project: IEEE 1952, or P1952 as they call it in the IEEE standards world. The P stands for project, and that means that it has not yet grown up to become a published standard yet. That is likely […]