About the author:
Dr. Douglas Arnold has over 20 years experience developing precise time and frequency equipment and in network time transfer technology. He is currently a Principal Technologist with JTime! Meinberg USA. As part of this role he is a Co-Chair of the IEEE 1588 Working Group, Co-Chair of the IEEE 1588 Architecture Subcommittee, and a Co-Chair of the ISPCS IEEE 1588 Plugfest Committee. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois.
After read your passenges, I know more about the Protocle, which is hard to understand by read the print IEEE published directly. But, there is also some points confused me, first of all, is the difference between the E2E TC and the P2P TC. Would u write a passenge about that?
I think the defference is the source of the messenge. E2E TC is handle the event messege from the Master/Slave, such as Sync. P2P TC generate the event messege and propagate to the Maste/Slave. So what we saw is the handle about the correction of the Sync and the Follow_up messenge.
Thanks for your reply!
Hello Jim,
In a nutshell, end-to-end delay propagation or E2E works by the slave and master exchanging messages to measure the entire communication path between them.
With the peer-to-peer delay propagation measurement method, every node on the network exchanges messages only to the next PTP node. For example if there are transparent clocks between the slave and master, each TC updates the correction field for the queuing time in the TC + the upstream link delay to the next TC.
For more detail on the difference check out a post I did a couple of years ago: https://blog.meinbergglobal.com/2013/09/19/end-end-versus-peer-peer/